Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Catholic Church and the Republic of Modernity: Challenges for Pope Francis, ABC April 8, 2012

The Catholic Church and the Republic of Modernity: Challenges for Pope Francis


"Francis, don't you see that my house is being destroyed," Francis of Assisi heard Christ call. "Go and rebuild my Church." As scandal and avarice eroded the Church from within, and heresies flourished without, Francis led a reform-movement by his example of simplicity, humility and virtue. Jorge Mario Bergoglio's decision to take the name of the Church's most popular saint was a stroke of genius.
This man who catches buses, cooks his own meals and has renounced the princely acoutrements of the Church has endeared himself to the world. On Maundy Thursday he added another layer to the story when he washed the feet of young male, female and Muslim prisoners, in an act of tenderness which captured the world's attention. The Church hasn't had such positive headlines in a decade.
While the honeymoon may soon be over, a certain afterglow is likely to remain and even be fanned back into flame by this man's extraordinary, natural acts of genuine charity and compassion. He has a certain pastoral genius, but his efforts at deep reform face myriad challenges.
Benedict's brave decision to change the balance of powers between heaven and earth, declared the future no country for old men. It seemed a declaration that the time for a fresh engagement with the modern world had arrived. Although Francis looks likely to maintain doctrinal fidelity, he walks and talks like a reformer. Together, these events suggest that a new age in the Church may well be dawning.
To modern eyes, the Church looks weak and ailing, plagued by scandal and challenged by charges of irrelevance to the modern world. The crisis of confidence is, of course, understandable given the many failings of the Church in its long history. The sins are real. The sex abuse crisis, along with the Church leadership's failure to respond with compassion and justice, will stain the Church for decades. The painful process of redemption is still in its infancy, but the Church has ridden times of far greater crisis, and endured.
Judging by Francis's own remarks, he seems to understand that in order to do its work in the modern world, the Church must inhabit the modern imagination. The Church and what I call the "Republic of Modernity" speak different languages and privilege different virtues. The Church values continuity and endurance, while modernity praises novelty and efficiency. Dialogue between people with different worldviews, like learning another language, takes discipline and practice.
The task of the Church is to translate Christ's wisdom into the language - the worldview - of the day. Absent this, Christ's message simply cannot be shared. In this task, I believe the Church is failing. Too often it allows its antipathy toward modernity to be more determinative than its love for humanity. In this way, it denies itself the knowledge necessary to advance its mission. Catholicism betrays itself and its message by becoming a separated ghetto of nostalgic piety.
To see the Church through modern eyes is to miss her beauty. Many moderns, of course, would like to see the Church turn to dust; others doubt she can survive. They question both her capacity and purpose in the modern world. Her forms, imagination, centralisation, exclusion all seem anathema to the standards of a secular age.
Equally, the Church has a clear eye on modernity's limits. From the Church's vantage-point, the fatal conceit of modernity is that it thinks it has reached a sort of promised land, the end of history, by means of science itself. And yet science cannot but reduce the world into visible or measurable forces. Science focuses on each component with ever-greater clarity, but is no grand-master when it comes to the sweeping narrative of life.
The pillars of modernity - democracy, science, economics and the self - are means of achieving other ends. The modern-scientific worldview yields a two-dimensional picture, one that is silent on the third dimension - that of meaning and purpose. This renders modernity constitutionally blind to the power of an institution which concerns itself - at its best - with bringing Christ's wisdom and love to life. Reason untempered by faith is thus as dangerous as faith untempered by reason (precisely the point of Benedict's Regensburg lecture).
Modernity may be a biased critic, but engagement between these two worlds should nonetheless yield fruit. Leaps of human creativity have always come from exchange between profoundly different worlds: the Mughal Empire (the meeting of the Muslim and Hindu worlds) and the Renaissance (the wisdom of the Classical age and the structured medieval mind) are but two examples from thousands. Let me sketch the outlines of another such engagement.
The art and letters, architecture, painting and sculpture that adorn the Christian canon is a sacred treasury which risks being inaccessible to the next generation. The Church is a living museum for the humanities, an ark which houses the wisdom of over four thousand years: the Egyptian afterlife; Abraham, Moses and the Jewish patriarchs; Plato, Aristotle and the classical world; the religious symbolism and paraphernalia of the vanquished Etruscans; the ascetic and monastic wisdom of the Desert Fathers and Benedict; the power and pageantry of the collective Roman and Byzantine worlds.
In every age, the Church has taught the arts of living. As contemporary authors like philosopher Alain de Botton and sociologistRobert Putnam have observed, the Church retains knowledge and skills in many of the lost arts of living: building communities, serving the needs of others, living a life of sacred covenants, sacraments and spiritual growth.
The Church offers comfort when modernity's promise of control and order fails: we humans suffer; we are left behind in the race of life; we are hurt, fail, find ourselves confused, unable to fathom our inner canyons, nor our place in the world; finally, we face death. Philosopher Jurgen Habermas describes "the awkwardness of non-religious burial practices," and how the "modern age has failed to find a suitable replacement for a religious way of coping with the final rite of passage." Believers, then, will always be strangers in this land, because in the depth of its nature modernity does not have room for the soul.
Moreover, beyond individual comfort, and since the time of Jesus, Christians have stood in solidarity with the poor and vulnerable. Compassion has animated many in the Church for a hundred generations. Today, over 50% of all healthcare in Africa is delivered by the Catholic Church - the planet's most widely distributed welfare-network. Will that be sustained by the next generation in the absence of radical reform?
The modern world has largely lost access to the magnificent artistic, practical, intellectual and spiritual endowment that is the Church's gift to humanity. Francis must find new ways for these gifts to be shared with the modern world.
The Church's longevity flows from her capacity to reconcile endurance with change, to deal creatively with dissent. In recent times, the Church seems to have lost much of this capacity. Jaroslav Pelikan once proposed that while tradition "is the living faith of the dead," traditionalism "is the dead faith of the living." Benedict grasped the vitality of tradition, but perhaps it will fall to Francis to help the Church to renounce traditionalism and be a learning institution once more.
It should be said the belief that the Church is now in a diminished state is by no means universally held. Eminent Vatican watcher George Weigel, for example, points to John Paul II as the architect of a renewed drive to challenge modernity on its own terms - a turning-point from the defensive posture of the counter-reformation. This is doubtless correct, and the now underway "new evangelisation" carries on the vision of John Paul II. But this renewed drive came at a price - namely, centralisation, which was left undismantled by Benedict.
The current top-down Church is simply not viable in the information age. Subsidiarity - the long-held organising principle of the Church, that matters ought to be handled by the smallest, lowest, and least centralised competent authority - must be restored by Francis. Subsidiarity resonates with modernity. Modern biology and economics alike show us that decisions are best made on the ground where they can incorporate local conditions, adaptations and opportunities. That Francis has come, in his own words, from the "end of the earth" augers well; perhaps the Church will now practice what it has long preached.
In fact, the Catholic Church has a special task to reconcile itself with economics. The various papal encyclicals present an often confused and inconsistent curriculum, made worse by the various pronouncements by diocesan bishops' councils, framed with little economic understanding at all. This must be remedied. Economics is a dominant language of modernity. The Church can little afford not to speak it. At the heart of the Church's struggle to be relevant in prosperous lands is its inability to be consistent about economics.
It is said that the Church today is held together by old men and sticky-tape. But like all institutions - universities, political parties, professions - the Church faces a "war for talent." This will likely become the defining issue of the immediate future. In a choice-rich world, having sufficient stewards and priests and lay leaders of ability is tough.
There have never been more baptised Catholics than there are alive today - 1.3 billion souls - but as the world gets rich, people lose faith. Without change, the Church's numbers will peak in the coming decades, and then suffer precipitous decline. Francis can see that Catholicism thrives no better in Singapore or Chile than it does in Western Europe. A change of course is needed.
The gap is also widening between the clerical Church and its lay leaders. Too many positions require clerical fulfilment. St Francis was not a priest but a deacon, and yet he sparked a Europe-wide revival in the Church - will this Pope who has taken his name embrace the role of the laity now as crisis looms.
Along the same lines, the question of women's contribution in the Church's leadership and evolution will not go away. Left unaddressed, this issue will remain an agony for many. Eventually, the desperate need for talent will force the Church's hand - surely it is best for Francis to save the pain and make the change now.
Pope Francis must enter into modernity's beating heart, and inhabit both its promise and it limits, and thus derive the lessons for the work of the Church today. Humanity requires an engaged Catholic Church, shaping the imaginative possibilities of the future. The great modern synthesisers of evolutionary biology, psychology, economics and epistemology are arriving at a new humility and championing new ideas of human solidarity, morality and the origins of virtue. The Church simply cannot afford not to engage with them. This is the new ecumenism.
Francis must engage with modernity, not in pursuit of the shallow liberalism of permissiveness and identity, but to meet the deepest yearnings of humanity for community, freedom and love. Francis would appear to have the leadership ability that Benedict, for all his subtlety and brilliance, lacked. He can call modern Catholics-in-exile to return to rebuild Christ's Church.
The exclusion of women from the halls of creativity and leadership will need to be sacrificed to keep faith with a people who know women hold up half the sky. All are needed to help to translate the Church's message into new idioms and world-views, so that this great tradition - the ark of so much of humanity's story - can be shared with the wider world.
As I noted at the outset, it is the Church's flexibility that has always underwritten its endurance. Thomas Babbington Macaulaysaw this, and described in majestic terms:
"No other institution is left standing which carries the mind back to the times when the smoke of sacrifice rose from the Pantheon, and when camelopards and tigers bounded in the Flavian amphitheatre. The proudest royal houses are but of yesterday, when compared with the line of the Supreme Pontiffs. That line we trace back in an unbroken series, from the Pope who crowned Napoleon in the nineteenth century to the Pope who crowned Pepin in the eighth; and far beyond the time of Pepin the august dynasty extends, till it is lost in the twilight of fable.
The republic of Venice came next in antiquity. But the republic of Venice was modern when compared with the Papacy; and the republic of Venice is gone, and the Papacy remains. The Papacy remains, not in decay, not a mere antique, but full of life and youthful vigour. The Catholic Church is still sending forth to the farthest ends of the world missionaries as zealous as those who landed in Kent with Augustin, and still confronting hostile kings with the same spirit with which she confronted Attila. The number of her children is greater than in any former age. Her acquisitions in the New World have more than compensated for what she has lost in the Old ... Nor do we see any sign which indicates that the term of her long dominion is approaching. She saw the commencement of all the governments and of all the ecclesiastical establishments that now exist in the world; and we feel no assurance that she is not destined to see the end of them all. She was great and respected before the Saxon had set foot on Britain, before the Frank had passed the Rhine, when Grecian eloquence still flourished at Antioch, when idols were still worshipped in the temple of Mecca. And she may still exist in undiminished vigour when some traveller from New Zealand shall, in the midst of a vast solitude, take his stand on a broken arch of London Bridge to sketch the ruins of St Paul's."
Pope Francis inherits the responsibility to make the changes that will prevent the Church - and her spiritual, intellectual and artistic treasures with her - from being "lost in the twilight of fable." To do this he will need to bring the two worlds - the Catholic Church and the Republic of Modernity - together to break bread. Perhaps then they can create a new synthesis of truth, beauty and goodness.
Elena Douglas is the convenor for the Centre for Social Impact at the University of Western Australia (UWA). She was the convenor of the Religion & Globalisation initiative at UWA, a partnership with the Tony Blair Faith Foundation.

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